

Simpcw Resources Group has a dedicated Forestry office in Clearwater, BC. Managed by professional staff and perform stump-to-dump work requirements on several company held forest licenses, including: Woodlot License 0380, Non-Replaceable Forest License A88221, Replaceable Forest License A89991, First Nations Woodland License N3C. In addition to fulfilling the professional requirements of the licenses noted above, SRG also provides forestry consulting services to First Nations, Industry and Government clients.

Services include:
- Full phase Timber Development, Stake holder referrals, CP/RP permitting, appraisals
- Contract Logging
- Road construction, deactivation/rehabilitation work
- Reappraisals
- Waste and Residue Surveys
- Timber Cruising
- Silviculture Surveys
- GIS services
- Fire mitigation fuel management prescriptions and implementation.
Simpcw Resources Ltd. Forest Stewardship Plan #882
Simpcw Interim Stewardship Plan
Fish Sensitive Watershed Assessment Protocols
Raft Connectivity Corridors spatial package
Enhanced Riparian Management Zones spatial package