
Other Opportunities

Expression of Interest Form


The following information is being collected for inclusion in the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP) Skills Inventory Database (the “Database”) to form a database of applicants available to work with contractors and employees for various job opportunities on the Project. Some of the information collected will include but is not limited to personal information such as your name, address, phone number, email address, ethnicity, training and employment status. Some of the personal information requested is required in order for you to be listed in the Database. Where information is optional it will state so in the form. TMEP will retain this information in the Database and will use this information to report to regulators and for other internal reporting purposes, and will provide this form to potential contractors, suppliers and other service providers seeking to participate in the Project. The collection, posting and distribution of this information is not an endorsement of your qualifications for any current or future available positions. TMEP does not guarantee employment on the Project. Should you have any questions or concerns about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information and for more information regarding the Project please visit our website at or send us an email at

Our Current Opportunities

Work at Simpcw Resources Group

Learn more about career opportunities with Simpcw Resources Group.

Simpcw First Nation

Learn more about career opportunities with Simpcw First Nation.
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TMEP Opportunities

Learn more about member opportunities with SRG and SFN.
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External Opportunities

Learn more about career opportunities and open positions.

Other Opportunities

Sign up for future employment opportunities.

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Partner With Simpcw

Interested in partnering with Simpcw Resource Group
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