
April 19, 2023

Employee Spotlight: Celebrating the Achievements and Contributions of Dawn Eustache

Meet Dawn Eustache, an Asset Coordinator at SRG, who has been an invaluable member of our team since 2019. Throughout her tenure, she has worked in various roles, including Pipeline Maintenance, Fuel Management, and the Reactivation Project. Two years ago, when Dawn learned she was pregnant with her second son, Aaron, she transitioned into Asset Management, where she has excelled in her role.

As a proud wife and mother of two boys, Aaron and Leland, Dawn enjoys driving and working in the field. While transitioning to office work presented a learning curve, she couldn't be happier with the supportive and enjoyable work environment she shares with her colleagues.

Dawn's exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail have made her an indispensable asset to the SRG team. She takes pride in detailing the trucks for the next driver and ensuring everything is clean and in its proper place. Despite being fiercely independent, Dawn's favorite superpower would be super strength so that she could manage everything on her own.

In her free time, Dawn loves to dance, especially Hip-Hop, and was once skilled at detailed drawing. We thank Dawn for her dedication, attention to detail, and positive attitude, which are invaluable contributions to our success at SRG. She is an inspiration to us all, and we are lucky to have her as part of our team.
