Home » Projects » Environment » Louis Creek (St’éxwem) Fish Habitat Restoration

Louis Creek (St’éxwem) Fish Habitat Restoration

The restoration and conservation efforts in Louis Creek (St’éxwem) are pivotal for supporting the health of salmon populations and their habitats. Since 2022, Simpcw Resources Group (SRG) has been working with private landowners in the Louis Creek valley to target restoration areas, prioritizing areas where erosion and lack of cover in the riparian area are most notable. In order to inventory and map Louis Creek efficiently, a Sensitive Habitat Inventory Map (SHIM) was completed to help guide future remediation/restoration opportunities, development projects, and facilitate conservation.

Key impacts to Louis Creek which have resulted in habitat degradation are: erosion and lack of cover. Erosion of stream banks was observed to occur from a lack of deep rooted, native vegetation along the stream banks as well as trampling of stream beds from livestock. Exposed soils increase the transportation of sediment within the stream which can bury or change substrates ideal for salmon spawning. Additionally, lack of cover within the riparian area (30 m on either side of the stream), can lead to an increase of water temperatures, reduce rearing habitat for fish, and reduce nutrient input.

To improve Louis Creek SRG and private landowners are working to stabilize banks, improve habitat complexity, restore the stream where it has been modified, and rehabilitate the riparian area.


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