Simpcw’s Environmental Division is committed to protecting and enhancing the natural environment within Simpcw Territory. By embracing the Secwepemc “Walking on Two Legs” philosophy, we collectively integrate both Western and Secwépemc knowledge in our environmental stewardship, planning and governance.
Simpcw Resources Group in the environment industry
Our dedicated team ensures all projects adhere to the highest environmental standards, fostering sustainability and ecological health for future generations.
Cultural and Ecological Studies
Ecological projects focus on restoring natural ecosystems through the preservation of plants, animals, wetlands, and other critical habitats. By implementing sustainable practices, we help ensure the long-term health and resilience of these environments.
- Canoe Valley Wetland Connectivity Restoration Project
- Caribou Road Restoration
- Grizzly Bear Studies
Environmental Consulting and Management
Our growing operations in the forestry industry are driven by our commitment to sustainable practices and community-focused solutions within Simpcw Territory. We ensure responsible resource management and long-term environmental stewardship through every project we undertake.
- Environmental Management and Resource Ecology
- Water Resource Management and Planning
- Environmental Auditing, Vegetation and Wildlife Science, and Resource Assessment
Environmental Compliance and Auditing
Our services also include environmental compliance and auditing to ensure adherence to regulations and best practices. Assisting organizations in developing:
- Sustainable practices
- Improving resource efficiency
- Implementing green initiatives.
Our Impacts
We make a significant difference in the forestry industry through our commitment to sustainable practices and community-focused solutions within Simpcw Territory. Our efforts ensure responsible resource management and long-term environmental stewardship.
Land restoration projects in collaboration with federal and provincial governments, focusing on rehabilitating degraded forest areas.
Increase in indigenous employment in our forestry and environmental projects from 2019 to 2023.
Strategic partnerships to advance our sustainable forestry and conservation efforts.
Simpcw Band
Learn more about our Environmental work with our expert Simpcw Band Entrepreneurs.
4TR Ventures
4TR Ventures Ltd., proudly owned by a Simpcw First Nation member, excels in innovative design, management, and execution of site reclamation and...
Setetkwe Environmental Inc.
Setetkwe Environmental Inc. (SEI), in partnership with BWP Consulting Inc., combines extensive environmental and pest control consulting...
Skemtsin Environmental Inc.
Skemtsin Environmental Inc. (Skemtsin), in partnership with Sartori Environmental Inc. (Sartori) and a member of the Simpcw First Nation, offers...
Simpcw Projects in Environment
Canoe Valley Wetland Connectivity Restoration Project
Project Goals The principal goal of this project is to have meaningful and measurable impact in supporting and strengthening ecosystem health in...
Caribou Road Restoration
The Project was initiated to support the recovery objectives for southern mountain caribou populations within the territory (Simpcwúlécw). Within...
Dunn Lake Road Realignment
The Project involves reconstruction, realignment and paving, including clearing and grubbing, organic stripping, roadway and drainage...
Grizzly Bear Study
The Simpcw Grizzly Bear Study, conducted by Simpcw Natural Resource Department (NRD) and Estsék' Environmental LLP (Estsék'), focuses on...
Habitat and Use Study for Salmonids in Finn Creek (Pesqleten)
Finn Creek (Pesqleten; “has salmon in it”) is a traditionally and ecologically important stream for the Símpcwemc (people of the Simpcw). In...
Louis Creek (St’éxwem) Fish Habitat Restoration
The restoration and conservation efforts in Louis Creek (St’éxwem) are pivotal for supporting the health of salmon populations and their...
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