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Simpcw Resources Fleet

Simpcw Resources LLP maintains a staff of financial administrators, managers, professionals, technical staff to oversee active projects, business development opportunities, and sub-contracts. When it comes to managing the Simpcw Resources Fleet, and dealing with multiple asset requests, Katie Jerez, Asset Manager is the one to reach.  Katie is in constant communication with all departments with new resource requests, scheduling equipment maintenance, and asset inventory. 

Katie is responsible for managing and tracking a fleet of now 110 vehicles around British Columbia, and Alberta, in addition to all company owned trailers and equipment. When it comes to acquiring new equipment, she ensures that she stays within the company’s budget for capital spending, and that the assets are equipped, and ready to go to work when they arrive on site. This includes the appropriate insurance and registration for each piece of equipment, commercial vehicle inspections, and servicing. The Asset Manager is also responsible for ensuring the proper safety equipment is accessible in each piece of equipment, as per each contract requirements.

Katie has built several relationships with our vendors and contractors. Since she deals with multiple individuals, building trust and relationships is an advantage that she obtains. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Katie has been very resourceful due to her strong connections with our vendors.  Katie finds satisfaction in her ability to find something that, especially during COVID-19, can be difficult to purchase. Her passion for being around people, and energetic persona of being busy makes her the perfect person for the position as Asset Manager. 

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