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Rare Aquatic Moss Discovered

Rare Aquatic Moss was discovered during an environmental dig for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP) adjacent to Celestine Road within a nonfish bearing stream in the Jasper National Park, Alberta.  The name of the aquatic moss is Fissidens grandifrons and is classified as a formally designated rare species within the Province of British Columbia.  Currently, very little is known about this unique Moss, and no documented cases of this moss being salvaged or transplanted to help guide the biologists on relocating it safely.      

Fissidens grandifrons are generally found in old-growth and undisturbed forests.  The area where the moss was located had seven distinct populations within the dig footprint and the specific area was dug up 7-8 years prior.  This information concludes that the moss was able to establish itself extremely quickly and seems to be thriving in its current environment.  Currently, Simpcw Resources LLP Environmental team is in the process of tracking down photos that were taken of the moss at the time of the last disturbance.  The moss seems to exclusively live on the surface of rocks anchored in calcareous soils consisting of coarse and fine sands, small rocks, and what appears to be shell-like fragments or calcium build-up.  The environmental team plans to take samples of the soil to send off for further testing. 

Simpcw Resources LLP Environmental division is comprised of a multi-disciplinary team of professionals, and technical staff specializing in environmental management, resource ecology, water resource management, resource planning, environmental auditing, vegetation and wildlife science, and resource assessment.

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