Home » Projects » Civil » Dunn Lake Road Realignment

Dunn Lake Road Realignment

The Project involves reconstruction, realignment and paving, including clearing and grubbing, organic stripping, roadway and drainage excavation, materials stockpiling, culvert and storm drainage installation, embankment construction, granular base construction/placement of granular materials, drainage works, and paving. The Project also involves instream works including chanellization and culvert replacement works in Skowootum Creek and works within wetlands. 

The Estsék’ scope of work involved a pre-construction Environmental Impact Assessment and development of a Wetland Offset Plan prepared for the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure. 

During construction of the project, Estsék’ was retained by the contractor to develop the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and provide environmental monitoring during project construction. Environmental monitoring for the project consists of bird and wildlife sweeps, erosion and sediment control monitoring, instream works monitoring, soil sampling, and spill prevention and response monitoring, in addition to ensuring that work is in compliance with the CEMP. Upon discovery of an unknown garter snake den during project activities, Estsek biologists conducted reptile salvage and also developed and implemented the Dunn Lake Road Garter Snake Hibernaculum Mitigation Plan, which included den reconstruction and snake tagging and release.


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